SHB presents 1,500 tickets of the comedy “Even men cry” to celebrate the International Women’s Day - Ngân hàng SHB
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Thông báo kết quả lựa chọn tổ chức đấu giá tài sản SHB là đại diện ngân hàng Việt Nam đầu tiên, duy nhất giành cú đúp giải thưởng tại Digital CX Awards 2024 Thông báo kết quả lựa chọn tổ chức đấu giá tài sản SHB cấp hạn mức thấu chi lên tới 300 triệu đồng hỗ trợ khách hàng mở rộng kinh doanh SHB tăng tốc chuyển đổi, lợi nhuận quý I cao nhất lịch sử, mục tiêu 2024 tăng 22% và chia cổ tức 18% Cảnh báo thủ đoạn lừa đảo chiếm đoạt tài sản SHB thông báo lịch nghỉ lễ 30/4 và 1/5 Thông báo lựa chọn tổ chức đấu giá tài sản

SHB presents 1,500 tickets of the comedy “Even men cry” to celebrate the International Women’s Day


After 3 consecutive years of great success, this year Saigon – Hanoi Bank (SHB) and the Youth Theatre continue to bring the “Swings of Belief” project to audiences nationwide. This socialized project aims to spread arts and culture programs to community and has received countless positive feedbacks.

Under the “Swings of Belief” project 2017, SHB shall present 1500 tickets of the comedy named “Even Men Cry” on the occasion of the International Women’s Day to its female customers in Hanoi. The Comedy will be performed on two nights of March (March 2nd and 3rd, 2017) at the Youth Theatre.

The Comedy will talk about love – marriage – family happiness with the performance of many famous artists such as Meritorious Artist Ngoc Huyen, Van Dung, Duc Khue, Ba Anh, Thanh Duong, Sy Tien, Nguyet Hang – Anh Tuan…Besides the big laugh, the audiences will also enjoy the deep life lessons that the Comedy delivers.

Aim at bringing belief, strong will and trust in ethical and spiritual values to the audiences, “Swings of Belief” project has positively contributed to the development of society. This year, the Project plans to present 100 performance nights to nearly 100.000 audiences nationwide with different topics and types of performance.